Thursday, January 13, 2011


There was a new barista at Starbucks this morning, and I didn't get carmel drizzle nor carmel brulee sprinkles on the top of my frappuccino.  Boo.

Photo via Google


Yanyan said...

That's not right! :) Thank you for your sweeeet comments on my post. You are so kind!!!! By the way, love your new sofa

jenstillinak said...

UGH! If it helps, I went to a coffee stand (they are on every corner here) and ordered a chai tea, and they gave it to me with ice in it! Who would assume that someone asking for a Chai would want it on ice? So disappointing, but I took it home and put it in a cup and threw it in the microwave!!

Tutti said...

You need to set them straight M. You can't be having that happen again.

Nicole-Lynn said...

lol i'm surprised you're having frap's when it's cold out! I have to switch to hot drinks, but I'm an avid frap drinker when it's nice out :)

Faith said...

oh that stinks! i would be so disappointed!